Klaus Rotter

Klaus Rotter – Partner and founder of Rotter Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB, Munich

Klaus Rotter is a lawyer since 1995 and a specialist for cases of banking and investment law as well as capital market issues of company law in Germany. He has 25 years of experience in litigation of claims for damages based on incorrect capital market information, incorrect Investment counselling and asset management. His firm achieved many landmark decisions of the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof, e.g. Infomatec, II ZR 402/02) and the European Court of Justice (Geltl vs. Daimler C-19/11) and was selected and appointed in six collective damages actions under the Investor Model Proceedings Act (KapMuG) by German Higher Regional Courts as counsels for the model claimant for incorrect capital market information. He is currently representing the model plaintiff in four model declaratory actions, in three of them the Federation of German Consumer Organisations.

He is consulted regularly by federal ministers and the Bundestag on capital market-relevant
draft laws. Klaus Rotter is since 2006 an appointed expert of the German association for consumers. Since January 2007 he is a member of the board of the Saxon Lawyers Pension Fund.
He has been a member of the independent consumer commission of the Bavarian government
since July 2009. In January 2011, he was appointed to the legislative commission banking and
capital market law by the president of the German Lawyers Association and is since 2013 a
member of the administration board of the Banking Law Association.
He founded Rotter Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB in 1998 and was admitted to the bar
1995. Before he studied law in Passau, Würzburg and Berlin and business administration in
Rosenheim and London.




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The Global Class Actions and Mass Torts Conference is a prestigious international event that focuses on the concept of collective redress, which refers to legal mechanisms that allow a large group of individuals who have suffered similar harm or injury to pursue their claims together as a single entity.

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