Wesley Vader

Wesley Vader is partner at bureau Brandeis. bureau Brandeis is an independent law firm in the Netherlands specialized in complex (cross border and domestic) litigation. It’s one of the most active Dutch firms in the field of class actions, acting on the claimant side. bureau Brandeis is involved in several illegal price-fixing cartels (i.a. Truck and FX cartels), infringements of privacy law matters (i.a. TikTok and Google) and also mass tort cases (dieselgate cases). 

Wesley has been practicing law for over 16 years. He is a corporate and commercial litigator – experienced in (international) litigation and collective redress. Wesley has a special focus on the corporate fraud practice and a track record in the field of recovery of damages, asset tracing, disclosure proceedings and prejudgment attachment on evidence.

Within his field of expertise, Wesley is acting as a co-plaintiff lawyer in five dieselgate matters, amongst which against the Volkswagen Group, Mercedes, Stellantis (two separate cases) and Renault. In these pending cases, the Dutch “new” collective redress mechanism (the WAMCA) is tested on its capabilities. Because of his practical experience with the WAMCA and its predecessors, the WCAM and WCA, Wesley has in-depth knowledge of the class action regime in the Netherlands.

Wesley publishes regularly, also on collective redress. He is member of the Dutch association for mass damages lawyers (Vereniging Voor Massaschade Advocaten). He is referred to by clients as “an excellent litigator”  with “outstanding knowledge of Dutch civil procedural law” (Legal 500, 2023).


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The Global Class Actions and Mass Torts Conference is a prestigious international event that focuses on the concept of collective redress, which refers to legal mechanisms that allow a large group of individuals who have suffered similar harm or injury to pursue their claims together as a single entity.

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