Susanne Augenhofer

 Visiting Professor of Law at Yale Law School

Susanne Augenhofer-

LL.M., Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 2004
LL.M., Yale Law School, 2003
Doctorate in Law, University of Vienna, Austria, 2001
Magister iuris, University of Graz, Austria, 1999

Courses Taught
European Integration and Distintegration: Seminar
Accessing and Rationing Legal Remedies: Funding Claimants and Courts in the U.S. and Europe

Susanne Augenhofer is a Professor of Law at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, holding a chair for Business Law. She is also a Visiting Professor of Law (fall 2024, spring 2020) and Senior Research Scholar at Yale Law School as well as a fellow at the Civil Justice Center at the NYU School of Law. Before her appointment at the University of Innsbruck she was a Professor of Law at Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany – where she was the co-founder of the Humboldt Consumer Law Clinic, the first German legal clinic for consumer rights – as well as at the University of Erfurt, Germany. In spring 2018 she taught at NYU School of Law, where she was a Global Hauser Senior Fellow in 2016–2017, and in 2016 at Columbia Law School. She also served as visiting professor in China and Israel.

Her focus in teaching and research ranges from (international) contract and consumer law to fair trading (advertising) law and antitrust law—with a special emphasis on the enforcement of rights. Her current research focusses inter alia on third party litigation funding (TPLF) as well as sustainability and contract law & greenwashing and the impact of AI on access to justice.

She currently serves as a Member of the Council of the European Law Institute (ELI) as well as a Co-Chair of the ELI Austrian Hub and as a member of the Advisory Group on Consumer Policy of the European Commission. She has advised the European Parliament and the European Commission on various issues regarding European consumer law and its enforcement. She was a co-reporter of the ELI principles on Third Party Litigation Funding which were approved in October 2024.

Before her appointment as Associate Professor at Humboldt University in 2009, she conducted research at the Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (Hamburg, Germany), the London School of Economics (Great Britain) and the European University Institute (Florence, Italy). Professor Augenhofer studied law at the University of Graz (Austria, Mag. Iur.), the Universitá Statale di Milano (Italy), the University of Vienna (Austria, doctor iuris), and as a Fulbright scholar at Yale Law School (LL.M.) as well as at the Free University Berlin (Germany, LL.M.), where she was supported by a Yale Fox Fellowship.


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The Global Class Actions and Mass Torts Conference is a prestigious international event that focuses on the concept of collective redress, which refers to legal mechanisms that allow a large group of individuals who have suffered similar harm or injury to pursue their claims together as a single entity.

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